Thursday, December 28, 2006


We watched the movie. Akeelah and the Bee last night. A real “feel good” movie and it worked. Did it show us a glimpse of real life? No, but that wasn’t the point. Sure, it was simple and didn’t require a lot of thought to enjoy it. Nothing wrong with that!

And speaking of Christmas presents… here’s one that we’re both enjoying. The hang-up cookbook holder really works well.

Right now the holder contains a recipe for Boston Cream pie, made from scratch… more on that later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My family loves that movie. It really does leave you with a feel good sigh. I always worry when we sit down with a new movie if it will be appropriate for the kids and got a little nervous at one point that it might go there - but was happy that it was just right for the story. And it's always good to sit with your kids and answer their questions during the movie too.....We forgot to leave Cars with you! Next time!....